• Local florist of Istanbul Lily Flowers company website.

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. LİLY FLOWERS; We provide 24/7 service to all districts of both the Anatolian side and the European side of Istanbul. In our Showroom Lily Flowers store, we are at your service with all kinds of bouquets, arrangements, wedding, opening baskets and funeral wreaths, special designs for your company. . All the products you see on our website have been developed by our design team and flower experts. Lily Flowers, which is made in accordance with today's standards, always renewing its vision and mission, following fashion and trends, always signing creative designs, is constantly in competition with itself. .

Istanbul's Local Florist

Cactus - Succulent

54.00 $
Always Fresh Flowers

Funeral Flowers

242.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Funeral Flowers 1

234.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Funeral Flowers 2

261.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Funeral Flowers 3

274.00 $
Special Design Flowers

VIP Orchid Garden

373.00 $
Always Fresh Flowers

101 Natural Tulip Basket

400.00 $
Istanbul's Local Florist

Pink Tulip Natural Bouquet

312.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Purple Tulips

248.00 $
Istanbul's Local Florist

Boutique Design Tulips

238.00 $
Istanbul's Local Florist

Colorful Natural Tulip Bouquet

329.00 $
Special Design Flowers

61 Pink Tulip Bouquet

301.00 $
Always Fresh Flowers

51 Pink and White Tulips

235.00 $
Just in time delivery

41 Yellow Tulip Bouquet

208.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Vase Design auf Teddybärs Schoß

496.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Hot Heart Wrought Iron Design

346.00 $
Just in time delivery

Lilac Purple and White Elegance

359.00 $
Just in time delivery

Teddy Bear and 21 Roses Bouquet

118.00 $
Special Design Flowers

Colored Daisy Bouquet

63.00 $
Istanbul's Local Florist

Soft Daisy Bouquet

71.00 $
Istanbul's Local Florist

White Daisies in a Box

65.00 $
Always Fresh Flowers

Pink and White Daisy Bouquet

82.00 $
 İstanbul Flower Delivery Whatsapp Sipariş