• Local florist of Istanbul Lily Flowers company website.

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We provide 24/7 service to all districts of both the Anatolian side and the European side of Istanbul. In our Showroom Lily flower store, we are at your service with all kinds of bouquets, arrangements, wedding, opening baskets and funeral wreaths, special designs for your company. All the products you see on our website have been developed by our design team and flower experts. Lily Florist, which is made in accordance with today's standards, always renewing its vision and mission, following fashion and trends, always signing creative designs, is constantly in competition with itself. Personalized designs, the dance of colors, the magical world of flowers, in short, you will definitely find a product special for you at Lily Florist...7/24 Lilyflowers.com.tr, which distributes happiness all over Turkey with its quality, fast service understanding and 0 customer satisfaction policy, also provides quality service to you with its own dealer network for your surprises you want to make abroad.

We, as Lily Flower team, care about what we do, add our love, transform our knowledge into art and present it to you...

Our Vision;

To blend technology, innovations and self-confident, believing manpower in the sector, to prepare and deliver our orders on time as Lily Flower Family without sacrificing sustainable trust and quality to all of our customers.

To be among the indispensables of the sector by creating different designs in the sector in our ever-changing and developing flower world.

Our Mission

To make a difference in cut, potted, artificial, special design flower arrangement compared to its competitors and to make it sustainable to be the pioneer and only brand in the sector with years of experience.

To provide quality service and products on time and in full by realizing customer-oriented designs and to ensure customer satisfaction.

7/24 Lilyflowers.com.tr is the address to receive a quality, safe, customer-oriented and time-competitive service. You will discover the power of the flower and you will not believe its effects. Remember! Flowers, bought from a florist.Turkey & Istanbul & Florist


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